About Us
Bridgeford Global operates as the worldwide planning entity within the Bridgeford family of companies, promoting the power of U.S. modern trust law and South Dakota-based fiduciary solutions in particular, through our sister company, Bridgeford Trust Company, as well as providing offshore fiduciary and corporate services and sophisticated insurance solutions.
In today’s rapidly evolving and dynamic cross-border planning landscape, the U.S. has emerged as both a privacy and tax “haven” for international families, creating increased demand for U.S. trust solutions. Bridgeford Global’s highly experienced team of professionals offer specialized expertise to wealthy families worldwide, delivering unique fiduciary planning solutions and structures available under South Dakota’s powerful modern trust law. Domestic Asset Protection Trusts and Foreign Grantor Trusts as well as access to industry leading privacy laws and strategic tax planning opportunities are just a few of the solutions that make the U.S., and specifically South Dakota, the jurisdiction of choice for international families seeking innovative and progressive fiduciary services.
In addition to our South Dakota-based fiduciary solutions, Bridgeford Global extends its reach globally through strategic alliances with international service providers. This enables Bridgeford’s family of companies to seamlessly offer both domestic and offshore fiduciary and corporate services tailored to the needs of our non-U.S. clients. Our expansive network of trusted partners worldwide ensures that clients receive comprehensive support, guidance, and expertise designed for their individual needs and objectives.
Further enhancing our suite of services, Bridgeford Global is registered as an insurance agency in the state of Florida enabling us to deliver sophisticated insurance solutions, including but not limited to Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI), to U.S. and non-U.S. clients. By leveraging our expertise and strategic alliances, we provide comprehensive insurance strategies that align perfectly with our fiduciary and structuring capabilities both domestically and offshore, serving our client’s diverse planning objectives in the international space.
Bridgeford’s family of companies represent a paradigm shift in the financial services industry, providing unmatched direction and control to both clients and their advisors as we navigate complex international planning dynamics together through a conflict-free and personalized approach. Our independent, boutique, and nimble approach to serving families and their advisors stands in stark juxtaposition to the consolidation and institutionalization of fiduciary providers around the world, wrought with conflict of interest, exorbitant fees, and high turnover. Bridgeford’s family of companies, including Bridgeford Trust Company – now the oldest and largest independently held and privately owned South Dakota chartered trust company – and Bridgeford Global, are perfectly positioned to serve families globally, as an international fiduciary provider that is big enough to matter, but small enough to care.
For more information about Bridgeford Global and the fiduciary and insurance solutions we offer, please call (305) 347-5129 or contact us via our contact page.